"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." (I Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pride or Righteous Indignation?

When something bothers me to the point of anger...I know I must take it to the Lord. I need to find out if that anger is pride motivated or "righteous indignation."

If it is pride motivated...then "shut my mouth" I always tell my Father in heaven. If it is indeed righteous anger, please don't let pride come between me and the person that has caused me to be upset.

If the person who is telling me that God has changed her/him in such a way and I ought to follow their lead yet they are dilly-dallying in worldly practices, I question that they can teach me, show me or even convince me that what they are doing is "God-deemed". And now I make one more appeal, my dear brothers and sisters. Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them. Such people are not serving Christ our Lord; they are serving their own personal interests. By smooth talk and glowing words they deceive innocent people. (Romans 16)

One of the things I try not to say is "The Lord told me to share this with you." I truly believe God speaks through His Holy Spirit through the Bible, Prayer, Circumstances and the church to motivate, change, encourage and reprimand us as individuals. (Thank you Henry Blackaby). Now people have asked me what I think God is saying...and if you know me...you know I always have an opinion! When someone comes to me with a problem and I pray with/for them, then that day or a few days later I read something in the Word or in my devotional that awakens the spirit within me, I will share those words with someone and say "This is what God told me and I wanted you to hear it because I think it will help your situation." But I need to remember to use caution in saying "God told me to share this with you." No...God was telling me...not the other person.

Conversely--I think of David's sin with Bathsheba --how God separated Himself from David because of David's refusal to accept responsibility for his sin. Nathan came and didn't accuse David...he told a parable. When David became aware of the horror of this suggested person's sin, that's when God used Nathan to say..."it is you." There was no slap on the face, no screaming at him to get his attention...no piousness on Nathan's part to be the deliverer of the message--I am sure Nathan did not want to go to his king and be this messenger. But notice, Nathan does not say "God told me to share this with you." Nathan allowed God to use his mouth...but did not allow pride to come between the words. This is a whole 'nuther' blog.

As fellow sinners, we need to use much caution as we hold on to our own causes, creeds and "God changes" in our lives. That's where God has YOU...not me. I may not be ready to accept the teaching that is so prevalent in someone else's life...and visa versa... the things I've learned through trials, hardships, quiet times of sitting in God's lap...they are for me. They are my lessons; and even though I feel that everyone needs to learn my lessons...that's my pride...making me a god in my own eyes. When God speaks to me He is telling ME that this is the change for MY life...and maybe perhaps as I change my wicked ways, people will notice, and thereby be changed. But telling people how they ought to change "like me" and receive the "blessings" I've received... THAT is pride...

Let God be God in my life...and let me learn the lessons in His timing...not in someone elses.

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