"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." (I Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Monday, December 8, 2008

A Christmas Party

Tomorrow night I'm going to a Christmas Party. My sweet prayer partner and friend Gail and I are going to the 51+ Christmas Party at Bay Breeze in Hendersonville. We were asked to bring a mug to share (actually for someone to steal.)

Last year was my first year going to this party. My boss is the teacher of this class, and they had asked me year after year to come join them. I did last year and was shocked, surprised and delighted to see these people...all of them older than me, stealing mugs from people with laughing, sneering grins on their faces.

So this year I bought the BEST coffee mug I've ever seen. And am hoping that it will be the one everyone wants to steal. I think I'll just sit back and watch.

And if you know me, you know the one thing that is equal to a sack of coals under the Christmas tree is to give me another coffee mug. My cabinets are FULL of them. I have no idea what I'll do with the mug I'll bring home tomorrow. Maybe....regift it next year? :-)

1 comment:

ARay said...

when I quit teaching, I threw out several dozen...I also gave some to the maids and custodians....I feel ya on the mug issue!!!!